Classical & Mythological Figures

“Cupid and Psyche”

(Unglazed Ceramic – approx 50 cms)

Based on the sculpture by Antonio Canova


“Leda and the Swan “

Un-glazed porcelain (approx 30cms)


001 (2)“Leda and the Swan”

Un-glazed ceramic (approx 25cms)


“Ariadne and the Panther”

White-glazed ceramic (approx 35cms)


“Europa and the Bull”

Glazed ceramic (approx 30cms)


“The Nymph and the Scorpion”

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(Satin-white glazed ceramic)

[Based on a sculpture by Lorenzo Bartolini]


“Venus Callipyge”



“La Diosa”

Matt-white Stoneware Ceramic (Based on La Deessa by Josep Clarà)

“La Diosa”

White glaze with transfers (Based on La Deessa by Josep Clarà)






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